Is penis enlargement real?

Statistics say that 90% of men in the world have a normal penis size. However, every third of them are trying to figure out how to enlarge their penis, preferably at home. However, someone is ready for radical action - surgical treatment.

penis measurement before enlargement


If measuring it was possible to establish a small size of the penis, the next problem becomes the choice: how to enlarge the penis. It would be more logical to undergo an examination by a doctor who would establish the reasons for the discrepancy with male standards and say whether or not to enlarge the penis.

The magnification methods refer to conservative mechanical effects on the intimate organ, they are:

  1. Manual or performed by hand;
  2. Hardware rooms are divided into methods using extenders, using a vacuum pump.

1. Manual techniques

  • These are self-massage techniques that lead to the mechanical stretching of the organ. The most popular way of enlarging the penis is called jelqing (milking). It exists in two variants:
    1. wet;
    2. dry jelqing.
  • For beginners, it's best to start with a wet one. It is performed in the shower with hot water or with mild lubricants and gel. A man warms his penis by wrapping a cloth or towel soaked in hot water around it.
  • It is necessary to maintain the temperature by changing the cloths every half minute. If a cream or gel is used for lubrication, it is applied to the hand and the intimate organ is moistened.
  • After warming up, the torso at the base is wrapped in a ring of 1 and 2 fingers and the movements begin with effort towards the head and back. The intensity of the movement is high, at least 100 movements are performed with each hand.
  • a woman is surprised by the size of a man's enlarged penis
  • The duration of the exercise, the number of movements and the compression force increase, reaching 500 in 15-20 minutes. One month of classes will increase the length and thickness of the penis by 0. 5 cm. Perhaps there is an increase in potency.
  • Dry jelqing is done in the same way. In both variants, the speed of movement is important - first, smoothly from base to head and sharply accelerate the movement from head to base, then vice versa.

The negative consequences of this method of increasing the size are traumatization of the penis to damage to blood vessels, pain during erection.

2. Hardware methods

  • Extenders are devices designed to stretch and straighten the penis. They are able to thicken and increase the length of the penis. Tissue stretching promotes cell division. Therefore, the manufacturers promise a stable and long-term male organ-enlarging effect.
  • The extender model is selected individually, modern models can be used by one man for 3 hours. Total stretching training time is 10 hours lasting up to six months or more. The resulting new penis size will not disappear after you stop using the device.
  • You cannot drastically increase the load. In the case of starting penis growth training without preparation, the effect can be just the opposite.
  • Vacuum pumps - electric and manual, are sold in a pharmacy. Due to the creation of pressure drops, blood flow to the genitals increases and the penis enlarges. Short-term painful erections and bruising are possible. The end of the action returns the indicators to the previous ones, but at the time of exposure it is more 4-5 cm.

3. Suspended loads

This is for those men who are willing to step up at least a little at any cost.

  • There are options - a load of 1 kg for 40 minutes 2 times or 5 kg for 5 minutes 6 times a day!
  • Suspension is done in a calm state, that is, the selected weight is attached to the soft sexual organ.
  • Have the suspension lift a limb and hold the allotted time. The transition from calm to active suspension occurs by swinging the load with the penis to the right and to the left, back and forth, in a circle. Uncomfortable sensations cause the cells to divide intensely, which causes the augmentation effect.

Andrologists rate this method as ineffective.

4. Kegel Complex

  • The purpose of the exercises is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, particularly the pubococcygeus muscle, to increase power.
  • You can feel the muscle pressing your fingers into the perineum behind the testicles. Training is performed by contraction - as if a person is trying to stop the flow of urine. It is not necessary to pinch the muscle.
  • penis enlargement exercises
  • You can sit on the floor and walk on your buttocks. Over time, a man can increase the time of classes during sedentary work, walking, standing. This tone allows for an improvement in the quality of intimate life, but it will not be possible to significantly increase the size of the penis.

5. What is Penisbuilding?

About 40 recommended exercises to do at home - Penisbuilding 2. 0 program. It promises to enlarge the penis without surgery; it does not inspire confidence in andrologists and sexologists.

6. Special funds

Medications in the form of creams, ointments, gels and aerosols are part of etiotropic and combination therapy.

  • The drug that affects the cause of underdevelopment of the penis due to hormone deficiency (decreased testosterone) is a Belgian gel. Contains the active form of testosterone dihydrotestosterone. Contraindications:
    • acute prostatitis;
    • HPB;
    • prostate cancer.

    Caution is needed in the use of serious diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver.

    7. Vitamins and diet for growth

    If you need to focus on how to scale up, the recommendations boil down to the following:

    1. Vitamins A, E normalize the male reproductive system.
    2. C helps maintain normal blood supply to the genitals.
    3. D supports intimate organ growth.
    4. B6 improves sperm quality.

    Vitamins can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors. For example, rub an oily solution of vitamin E on the skin of the penis.

    It is important to use the following foods:

    • lean meat as a source of protein and a stimulant of normal testosterone secretion;
    • seafood and fish provide vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and zinc;
    • green leaves, vegetables, bananas, cherries, avocados, figs, ginger, nuts, berries are sources of vitamins and microelements;
    • dairy products and sour milk are a source of calcium.
    foods rich in vitamins for penis enlargement

    Fatty cakes, sweets, fresh, white bread will not benefit and will bring about metabolic disturbances leading to a decrease in testosterone production.

    Positively affect the change in the size and performance of male dignity:

    1. Nutrition in the context of physical activity.
    2. Physical education and sports, yoga.
    3. Adequate rest and regular sex.
    4. In combination with the safe method of penis enlargement recommended by the doctor (extender, pump, gel, etc. ).

    An operation is required

    In the presence of medical indications - the consequences of an injury or disease of the genital organ, plastic surgery is the only real chance for a man to enlarge his penis. Surgically, plastic surgery is performed with silicone prostheses, own muscle or adipose tissue.

    The problem of a small penis, not in size, but in the head. There is no need to increase it, you need to learn how to use it correctly.

    penis enlargement surgery

    female look

    1. Men enlarge their penises to please a lady, but most women prefer thicker ones over longer ones. The length of the vagina does not allow you to enter deeply into a huge sexual organ without pain. Dyspareunia occurs, forcing the woman to refuse intimacy.
    2. The first 5-7 cm of the vagina are sexually sensitive, so the closer the contact with the wall in this area, the greater the pleasure for the woman. 80% of women like clitoral stimulation, not vagina stimulation - so what does length have to do with it?
    3. For most women, foreplay, attention, affection, tenderness are important. If your chosen one has the ability to use these tools beyond the average penis size, he has nothing to worry about, your woman will always be satisfied.
    4. Do not forget about positions that allow you to narrow the vagina or increase the depth of penetration.


    People tend to place great importance on self-esteem. It's sad when its enlargement for some men comes down to attempts to increase the length and thickness of the penis.

    If there are men with a modest organ size, there are women with a corresponding vagina. Find each other and give each other love, affection and brilliant orgasms.